Orbit Brokers


Importing Rice into Canada

Importing Rice into Canada Importers have contacted us with many questions relating to importing rice into Canada, such as what are the license requirements, or what are the taxes? Purchasing food internationally for import into Canada for human consumption can seem like an intimidating venture so here’s some helpful info


A Guide to Importing Jewellery Into Canada

A Guide to Importing Jewellery Into Canada Even if there are many excellent jewellery stores in Canada, it's human nature to wonder whether you might save a little money by crossing the border. Of course, there are times when you can save a lot by importing jewellery into Canada, but it shouldn't be the only


Importing Goods into Canada

Importing Goods into Canada Importing products into Canada is almost a requirement to compete in today's global economy. While free trade agreements have simplified the procedure significantly in recent years, they have not eliminated the requirement to adhere to specific regulations. After reading this blog post, you’ll be able to more comfortably import goods


When Do You Need A Customs Broker?

When Do You Need A Customs Broker? Customs Brokers can help you navigate the complicated world of importing into Canada. They work with you to ensure that your shipments are cleared quickly and efficiently. But, exactly when do you need a customs brokerIn this post we'll review 5 situations in which


How to Choose a Customs Broker

How to Choose a Customs Broker When it comes to shipping your goods, you want to make sure that you are working with the best possible customs broker. While a quick search online will most likely give you a list of Customs Brokers you would work with to get your

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