As the Coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, it is not surprising that we have been receiving many inquiries on the requirements to import masks and hand sanitizers from China into Canada. In this blog post we will look at the requirements, classification and duty rates on N95 type as well as non-medical masks, and sanitizers that come from China. Importing these same items from other countries would not change the requirements, however it could have an effect on the duty rates.
Medical Masks are considered Class 1 medical devices by Health Canada. This means that (with some exemptions) that a Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL) is required by the importer to import these items. The N95 masks would fall under this category. NIOSH approved masks consisting of several layers of non-woven of man-made fibres to be employed in a noxious atmosphere are duty free with 5% GST.
Non-medical masks of textile fabric are also regulated by Health Canada and can be imported without a MDEL only if sold directly to consumers. These items are subject to the same import labelling requirements as other textile goods. These types of goods would have 18% duty when imported from China, with 5% GST.
Hand sanitizer imported from China to Canada is regulated by Health Canada. Depending on the ingredients they can be considered natural health products or non-prescription drugs. Interested importers should contact Health Canada to inquire about the requirements to import as market authorization is required. The classification of this product depends on the gross weight of each package being greater or less than 1.36kg each. Regardless of the weight though, the duty would be the same at 6.5%, plus 5% GST.
The requirements to import masks and hand sanitizers can vary based on their types and composition. During this pandemic, Health Canada has made it a priority to fast-track applications for these products to meet the growing demand. It is important to verify the requirements prior to importing so as to avoid any issues once the shipment arrives. Please contact us with any questions or for guidance on the importation process, or click here for a free quote.